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Website Cover Page: Brenda Mayo
Secondary Clickthrough
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Website Cover Page: Brenda Mayo
Website Cover Page: Brenda Mayo

Brenda is an artist and clothing designer. It has been my great pleasure to photograph her work and build this portfolio site for her.

Click here to open the site itself in a new window.


The site is designed to look as simple as possible and to encourage users through the widest possible selection of her very extensive catalogue. 


The Portfolio Page uses three Images to categorise the work and act as links to secondary pages within the portfolio.

Secondary Clickthrough
Secondary Clickthrough

Because the portfolio is so rich, I've used the "sliced" images to propose three further sections within each area. 

This secondary clickthrough means that I am able to propose nine complex categories to the really interested reader without overwhelming a more casual viewer who might be seeing the work for the first time.


Each of the nine sub-pages contains up to six images and the absolute minimum of descriptive and informational copy. 

The work really does speak for itself.



Brenda modeling her own clothes at the Black Barn Project Space in Norfolk. 

The copy is borrowed from another publication and is currently under review.

We would both like to see something altogether more business like in its quick revelation of a complex biography.



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My detail of a textile Brenda has dyed herself heads a calendar that acts as both history of recent events and also announcement board for upcoming public events.

The Aldeburgh event visible in this shot is current and very exciting.

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